What You Can Do to Help End Pollution

  1. You can walk, run, or ride a bicycle everywhere you can so you will not release as many greenhouse gases.
  2. Invest in an electric car. Electric cars do not release greenhouse gas emissions. Electric cars run off of electricity instead of gas.
  3. Set up cleanups at local areas like parks, beaches, highways, etc.
  4. Set out recycling bins, and compost bins wherever you are allowed to.
  5. Turn off all lights, water, and electronics when you are not using them.
  6. Buy reusable items like metal water bottles.
  7. Use fewer chemicals, and pesticides.
  8. Join environmental groups, or create one of your own.
  9. Recycle everything that you can.
  10. Finally, spread the word and tell others about how they can help end pollution.

The Causes and Effects Recycling Has on the Environment

  • The more you recycle, the more the prices go down. If there are more products to sell, there will not be a need for a high price anymore.
  • The more you recycle, the less pollution goes into the ocean and air.
  • Because there are so many greenhouse gas emissions, recycling 30% of waste is equal to removing 25 million cars from the road.
  • There will be more natural resources to use if you use recyclable materials.


  • All the pollution in the air, goes into our lungs.
  • Automobiles release a toxin called Carbon Monoxide, also called CO, every time you turn one on.
  • By using public transportation systems, you can reduce the amount of toxic CO released into the air.
  • 14 billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean every year. Most of it is plastic, which animals mistake for jellyfish.
  • Recycling 100 cans could produce enough energy to light up a room for two whole weeks.
  • Each plastic bottle we throw away takes 500 years to decompose.
  • Almost two billion tons of waste has been dumped into the ocean this year.

Introduction to the Environmental Awareness Campaign

Who am I?

My name is Abby Snider. I am in 8th grade, and I created this website for an Environmental Sustainability Middle School Science project as a 6th grader. My goal for this project is to reduce the amount of pollution in my community.

What is the Environment Awareness Campaign about?

The Awareness Campaign is about what we can do to help end pollution, the affects pollution has on us, and how reducing pollution will benefit my community.

What is my plan?

My plan is to encourage people to do simple things that help the economy, like walking, running, or biking to local areas to keep the air from being polluted even more. I will also go to local places like parks, beaches, etc. to pick up garbage. I am going to set up compost, and recycling bins everywhere I am allowed to. I will encourage other people to do the same. I am going to talk to Chantal Audren, a marine biologist at Tybee Island Marine Center, about the affect pollution has on the ocean, and the wildlife.